Sorting Out Your Finance and Money Situation

Sorting Out Your Finance and Money Situation

  • Tax Depreciation Schedule: Important Tips for Working with Quantity Surveyors

    Real estate property depreciates in value as the structure and the attached equipment age. The deterioration causes loss to the investor, so the government allows the property owners to claim depreciation losses as a tax deduction. Therefore, if you have purchased commercial or residential buildings, you must prepare a tax depreciation report before filing returns. Unfortunately, calculating the value of depreciation for a building can be challenging, and mistakes will reduce the value of deductions.

2023© Sorting Out Your Finance and Money Situation
About Me
Sorting Out Your Finance and Money Situation

Hi, there! My name is Loius and this is my new blog. This blog is about money. I used to be terrible with money. I just couldn't work out how to save or invest it. As a result, no matter how I tried, it always went wrong. All that changed when my friend suggested that I speak to an investment advisor. The advisor offered some great advice and since then my money has been doing much better. Having profited from such great financial advice, I thought I would create a blog which would pass on some of these tips with the rest of the world.
