Sorting Out Your Finance and Money Situation

Sorting Out Your Finance and Money Situation

Overseas Worker in Australia? How to Ensure That You Get Your Tax Refunded

Terry Porter

If you hail from beyond Australian shores but have recently worked in this land, you should know that you may be eligible to claim back any tax paid during this time. But what areas should you check to see if you can claim a windfall payment that you may not have been expecting?

What Status Did You Have?

The first thing you need to consider is your tax residency status and whether or not you were a bona fide resident or classified as a non-resident. If you were a temporary visa holder, then you would ordinarily pay the non-resident rate for the first half year. It's best to get used to that higher rate of tax, rather than to risk having a liability to pay more when you leave.

Tax Refund

If, however, you became a resident, then you can look to get a refund of any tax paid at a higher rate. To ensure that you are successful, you will need to detail your status and living behaviour while in Australia. Typically, if you had taken steps to blend in with the community and had lived in the same place for more than six months, you will probably pass the test.


When you were here, you may have noticed that superannuation was held from your salary. This is something that is intended to help with retirement planning and is a percentage of the salary. However, if you have left the country and will not be staying "down under" until you retire, you'll want to claim back the superannuation payments. Typically, you need to make sure that your visa has expired or has been cancelled before applying. You may be surprised how much money could be due back to you.

Health Care Contributions

In Australia, workers contribute an amount of their taxable income towards a universal health-care system. Most foreign citizens should be exempt from paying this contribution, but many find it is still taken from their wages, nonetheless. To help get the most of your refund for these health care contributions, certain conditions have to be met and you should apply for an exemption letter.

What about Expenses?

Have you claimed all the expenses you may be entitled to, as part of your work in Australia? If you're careful to itemise these expenses, you could boost the amount of tax refund that you receive. Remember, only claim those costs that were directly related to your job and for which you have a record of proof.

How to Proceed

Remember to submit a tax return so that you can show how much you should be entitled to receive. Once you prove that you're no longer a resident for tax purposes or receiving any income from an Australian source, you should be clear to claim. Make sure that you get help from a taxation service or qualified accountant if you're unsure of any details.


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Sorting Out Your Finance and Money Situation

Hi, there! My name is Loius and this is my new blog. This blog is about money. I used to be terrible with money. I just couldn't work out how to save or invest it. As a result, no matter how I tried, it always went wrong. All that changed when my friend suggested that I speak to an investment advisor. The advisor offered some great advice and since then my money has been doing much better. Having profited from such great financial advice, I thought I would create a blog which would pass on some of these tips with the rest of the world.
